home FAQ PLACING AN ORDER How to place an order?

How to place an order?

The ordering process is similar to that of many popular online stores. Simply follow these steps:

1. Add Products to Cart:

  • Click the 'Add to Cart' button next to the desired product.


2. View Cart:

  • Navigate to the cart located in the top menu bar.


3. Review Cart Contents:

  • In the cart, review all added products, their quantities, and the total (inclusive of shipping fees* and applied discounts).   
  • If you have a promo code, apply it in the dedicated field**.


4. Choose Payment Method:

  • Select your preferred payment method.


5. Enter Personal Details:

  • Carefully provide your real name and address.


6. Continue and Confirm:

  • Press 'Continue.'
  • Review your details; add any extra information in the COMMENT field if needed.
  • If everything is correct, press 'PLACE YOUR ORDER.'


7. Payment Details:

  • You'll be redirected to the Payment details page.


8. Confirmation Email:

  • A system confirmation email will be sent (please do not delete it).


9. Payment Instructions:

  • Carefully read all instructions and ensure payment is made within 5 days.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Orders must only be placed on our official website after logging in with payment details generated within your account. Beware of fraudulent activities.


*Shipping fees vary between different warehouses and may multiply if you order from multiple locations.

**Please be aware that discounts are provided in the internal store currency - Bonus Coins, which you can either use immediately or exchange later for free items: 1 Bonus Coin = 1 USD.


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