home Hilma Biocare Injectable Steroids TRENBOLONE ENANTHATE


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5-7 days
Anabolic steroid
Men 200-600 mg/week
Active Substance
10 ml x 200 mg/ml



  • Chemical name: (17β)-3-Oxoestra-4,9,11-trien-17-yl acetate
  • Formula: C20H24O3
  • Anabolic activity index: 500%
  • Androgenic activity index: 500%





1 vial x 10ml, 200 mg/ml


Carrier: Sesame Oil



Trenbolone Enanthate – injectable steroid that is used mainly in bodybuilding and weightlifting to achieve maximum growth of compacted muscle mass and a significant increase in power capacity.

Trenbolone Enanthate ester is characterized by a long period of exposure into the body (about six weeks).

Trenbolone Enanthate Effects

  •     significant increase in muscle mass (average 10 kg per 8 weeks);
  •     increasing the degree of endurance and power performance;
  •     200% increase in the level of insulin-like growth factor stimulation and hyperplasia of the muscle;
  •     fat burning effect (including the influence due to the release of growth hormone);
  •     lowering cortisol levels (a hormone which facilitates the destruction of proteins, increased fat accumulation and glucose).


How to Use Trenbolone Enanthate: Dosage, Cycle, PCT

To create a cycle for Trenbolone Enanthate, which also would be effective and safe for the body, stick to a few rules:

  •     Do not exceed the dosage of the drug and duration of the cycle (the optimal dose of Trenbolone Enanthate per week – 300 mg, cycle length – 6-8 weeks).
  •     Always start with a minimum rate of injection to fix the body’s response to anabolic effects.
  •     Take Gonadotropins, if the steroid cycle is designed for 5 weeks and more.
  •     Do not neglect the power of sports complex and a special diet for weight gain.
  •     Always consult a doctor before starting the cycle.


Trenbolone Enanthate Combination Cycles

Trenbolone Enanthate, to gain muscle mass, is often taken solo, because of its efficiency. In professional cycles at a dosage of 250 mg per week, can be stacked with Testosterone Enanthate, but this combination is only valid for the experienced athletes, and after a medical advice.

For drying period one can buy Winstrol, or Anavar without anti-estrogens, using half of the dosage.

As PCT on Trenbolone cycle is used Toremifene or Clomid.

Trenbolone Enanthate Reviews

After analyzing published on Trenbolone Enanthate reviews, it is easy to draw a conclusion about the quality of weight and severity of the effect: more than 90% of athletes and bodybuilders were satisfied with the results of the cycle. The absence of the phenomenon of rollback and flavoring also played a significant role in relation of athletes with this steroid.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.

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